CyberSafe Log Analyst includes several predefined report templates. You can use these predefined reports, or you can create your own templates on which to generate reports. Configure these reports to view activities within a given time period by user, computer, or activity signature. Selecting object attributes includes the files and/or directories that were accessed.
We recommend that you make a backup copy of the report templates before you modify any of these predefined templates. The report templates are stored in the Reports subdirectory of the CLA directory (for example, \CLA\report).
Activity by Target Use this template to generate reports showing all activities grouped by targets. The default settings for this report are: all users, targets, and signatures selected; sorted by target, signature, object attributes, and count; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Activity by User Use this template to generate reports showing all activities grouped by users. The default settings for this report are: all users, targets, and signatures selected; sorted by user, signature, object attributes, and count; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Activity Summary Use this template to generate reports showing a summary of all activities across your entire enterprise. The default settings for this report are: all users, targets, and signatures selected; sorted by signature and count; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Failed Login Summary Use this template to generate reports showing the failed logins grouped by target. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and Failed Login signatures selected; sorted by count and target; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Object Browsing by Target Use this template to generate reports showing object browsing by target. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and the General Object Browsing signature selected; sorted by count, target, and signature; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Object Browsing by User Use this template to generate reports showing object browsing by user. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and the General Object Browsing signature selected; sorted by count, user, and signature; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Object Browsing by User & Target Use this template to generate reports showing object browsing by user and target. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and the General Object Browsing signature selected; sorted by count, users, target, and signature; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Enterprise Virus Activity Use this template to generate reports showing areas of potential virus activity, such as the modification to applications, grouped by target. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and the General Virus and Trojan Horse signature selected; sorted by count, target, signature, and object attributes; include all time periods; include a bar chart.
Login Summary Report Use this template to generate reports showing login activity across your entire enterprise. The default settings for this report are: all users and targets, and the Failed Logins, Successful Logins, and Three Consecutive signatures selected; sorted by target, user, signature and count; include all time periods; no chart.
Target Statistics Use this template to generate reports showing per hour activities across your enterprise, grouped by target. The default settings for this report are: all users, targets, and signatures selected; sorted by target, signature, and count; by hour; include a bar chart.
User Statistics Use this template to generate reports showing per hour activities across your enterprise, grouped by User. The default settings for this report are: all users, targets, and signatures selected; sorted by user, signature, and count; by hour; include a bar chart.
Defining report templates
report templates
Generating reports